Fathers Day Potluck & BBQ

On June 16th, SIBC held our annual Father’s Day Pot Luck and BBQ.  The
weather proved to be perfect for the BBQ, light breeze…enough to keep the bugs
away and enough cloud cover to temper the heat.  The turnout was great.  Over
36 members RSVP’d for Angus Beef Hamburgers, foot long hot dogs and every
variety of pot luck dish you could possible want.
We held the 50/50 Raffle as a fund raiser to benefit our selected non-profit
organization the Tiny House Project for homeless Vets.  The Raffle made $120
and the winning ticket was drawn by April Boit.  The winner of the Raffle was ….
can I have a drum roll please……Laurie Sattler!!  Wait a minute….. Laurie
also win the Raffle at the Sock Burning and BBQ on March 24th????  What are
the odds???.  Laurie, with your luck go out and buy a few lottery tickets
because lady luck is smiling on you!  Congratulations Laurie and thanks for
giving back your half of the money to the Tiny House Project.

About sibc

A community group that promotes boating and the recreational use of the waterfront of Skidaway Island
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