On the Water





In addition to Land Events, SIBC also sponsors Sea Events! Look in the Calendar and/or Events tab for upcoming events and pictures from past events.

Members Afloat –  send in snap shots as you are out and about adventuring whether by sail, power, paddle, fin or hook: boating, kayaking, fishing, racing and any other water-related adventure we can think of!  Also share your Travelogues: (trips/pictures) so  the rest of us can share your adventures right from the sofa!

Members Fishing – send in your fish stories and pictures and inspire someone else to fish or fry!

Fisher-people, send us your secret fishing locations, tell us what’s biting and when, and how best to catch it!

Grab your cell phone and start taking pictures! Send to
siboatingclub@gmail.com for inclusion in our website.

Other Links
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Georgia Conservancy